DemandJump Wins Best New Tech Product Mira Award

DemandJump, maker of the Artificial Intelligence Marketing (AIM) platform now with Advanced Search, received the Best New Tech Product Award during TechPointโ€™s 18th annual Mira Awards honoring the best of tech in Indiana. After raising the bar with its Artificial Intelligence Marketing (AIM) platform and helping clients increase revenues by triple digits, DemandJump had a […]

eimagine uses technology to supercharge people, finance, and equipment

Joel Russell, founder and CEO of tech solutions company eimagine, didnโ€™t initially expect to stay in Indianapolis for long. After graduating from Stanford University, he followed his wife here as she completed dental and orthodontics school and they both chose to build their businesses and life together in Indy. Starting in 1998, early successes with […]

Will your business survive if disaster strikes?

Business Continuity planning is incredibly important to every business, but can be daunting to start. Weโ€™ve invited Steve Aiello, Technical Architect, as well as Lance Thompson, President and Founder of Baseline Data Services, to give a few tips for creating an effective business continuity plan. Itโ€™s called Business Continuity, not IT continuity Business continuity and […]