Obama backs Net Neutrality, asks FCC to make the Internet a public utility

We cannot allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to restrict the best access or to pick winners and losers in the online marketplace for services and ideas. That is why today, I am asking the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to answer the call of almost 4 million public comments, and implement the strongest possible rules to […]

Degrees in tech from WGU Indiana offer more than a diploma

Tech workers and employers alike must stay up-to-date on the latest skills and trends. Universities can provide access to new kinds of knowledge and practical skills to help employees be prepared for the tech ecosystem, who can then bring the latest techniques to their employers. Keeping up to date, however, can be an expensive proposition. […]

Game, app and website developer BitLoft hires ‘unicorn employees’

Careful selection of talent and the infusion of key cultural components has contributed to BitLoft’s success in establishing itself within a busy consulting space.