Amanda Banach’s journey to starting a new career path in technology in Indiana

For some, coming to Indiana is coming back home. For others, like Amanda Banach, coming to Indiana is a matter of circumstance, like the result of her fiance’s job transfer. Little did she know about the growing tech scene and the vast potential for new career opportunities. With past experience in retail purchasing, merchandising, marketing, […]

Questions to Guide Your Hybrid Environment Plan

When building your plan for a hybrid environment, it’s important to ask these questions to create your strategy. Your employees are all different. Some thrived when many companies went fully remote early last year. Some are itching to get back into the office. With health and safety guidelines still in place, adaptability is key. Which […]

IBJ asks local entrepreneurs and investors what’s next for Indy tech

Can Indy meet the growing need for tech talent? What trends are emerging in the Indianapolis technology community? These questions and more were posed by panel moderator and technology reporter Jared Council at the Indianapolis Business Journal’s Power Breakfast Series on Thursday, March 10. The expert panel was comprised of Indy’s own entrepreneurs, investors and educators: Kristian Andersen […]