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DevOps Engineer

What is a DevOps Engineer?

DevOps Engineers focus on shortening the system development life cycle and delivering high-quality software. The role includes coding, infrastructure management, system administration, and the rapid deployment of software updates. DevOps Engineers automate and optimize processes, manage Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines, ensure system reliability and handle version control. 

Salary Range

25th Percentile
$ 0
50th Percentile
$ 0
75th Percentile
$ 0

Foundational Skills

Adaptability, Basic Computer Competencies, Communication, Creative Thinking, Critical & Analytical Thinking, Customer Focus, Dependability, Detail Orientation, Humility, Initiative, Integrity, Leadership, Lifelong Learning, Mathematics, Problem Solving/Decision Making, Professionalism, Reading, Science & Technology, Scheduling/Coordinating, Teamwork & Writing

Occupational Skills

Infrastructure and Configuration Management

Involves the ability to manage and provision computing infrastructure through code instead of through manual processes, along with the maintenance and adjustment of these systems over time.

Novice Level
  • Can understand and apply basic infrastructure and configuration management concepts

  • Can use tools like Ansible or Chef to automate infrastructure provisioning and configuration

Emerging Level
  • Can effectively manage complex infrastructure and configuration tasks using a variety of tools and techniques
  • Can design and implement infrastructure as code (IaC) solutions
Proficient Level
  • Possesses deep expertise in infrastructure and configuration management
  • Can automate complex infrastructure workflows and develop innovative IaC solutions to meet evolving business needs

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

This refers to the practices of merging all developer working copies to a shared mainline several times a day and ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time, enhancing the quality and speed of development.

Novice Level
  • Understands the fundamentals of CI/CD and can implement basic CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins or GitLab CI/CD

Emerging Level
  • Can design and implement CI/CD pipelines for complex applications, including multi- stage pipelines and automated testing
  • Can troubleshoot and optimize CI/CD pipelines for performance and reliability
Proficient Level
  • Has a comprehensive understanding of CI/ CD principles and best practices
  • Can lead the development and implementation of enterprise-grade CI/CD pipelines that support rapid and reliable software delivery

Containerization and Orchestration

Containerization involves encapsulating or packaging software code along with all its dependencies so that it can run uniformly and consistently on any infrastructure. Orchestration is the automated management of these containers, ensuring they interact efficiently and scale up or down as needed.

Novice Level
  • Familiar with containerization technologies like Docker and understands the basics of container orchestration with Kubernetes

Emerging Level
  • Can deploy and manage containerized applications using Kubernetes
  • Can troubleshoot and optimize containerized applications for performance and scalability
Proficient Level
  • Possesses deep expertise in containerization and orchestration technologies
  • Can design and implement complex Kubernetes clusters and develop containerization strategies for various applications

Cloud Technologies

Understanding and utilizing various cloud services and infrastructure (such as AWS, Azure, or GCP) to build, deploy and manage applications and services through the cloud.

Novice Level
  • Has a basic understanding of cloud computing concepts and can use cloud platforms like AWS or Azure for basic tasks

Emerging Level
  • Can design, implement, and manage cloud-based infrastructure and applications
  • Can effectively utilize cloud services for cost optimization and scalability
Proficient Level
  • Possesses in-depth knowledge of cloud architectures and services
  • Can lead cloud migration projects and implement cloud- native solutions that align with business objectives

Monitoring and Alerting

Involves the ongoing observation of IT services, infrastructure and application performance, and the automated notification of stakeholders when issues or anomalies are detected. This ensures high availability and performance of services.

Novice Level
  • Can implement basic monitoring and alerting systems to track system performance and identify potential issues

Emerging Level
  • Can design and implement comprehensive monitoring and alerting solutions to ensure system health and performance
  • Can proactively identify and resolve potential problems before they impact users
Proficient Level
  • Has a deep understanding of monitoring and alerting techniques
  • Can develop custom dashboards and alerting systems to provide real-time insights into system behavior and performance


Experience + Training

Career Resources
Explore the TechPoint Resource Directory to find the education and training program that best fits your needs to begin your journey to a career in tech.