Mar 22

2025 Indiana Robotics State Championship

Hosted by TechPoint Foundation for Youth

Event Details

Saturday, March 22, 2025
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Indiana State Fairgrounds
1202 E 38th St , Indianapolis, IN 46203

Event Description

The City of Indianapolis VEX Robotics Championship (IndyVRC) was created in 2012 by then-Mayor Greg Ballard with the goal of providing an opportunity for all Indianapolis high school students to participate in a world class robotics event. As the leader in STEM education efforts for the state of Indiana since 2001, TechPoint Foundation for Youth (TPF4Y) was invited by Mayor Ballard to serve as the lead partner of the IndyVRC. Initially, the program served 38 high schools around the city, later adding both a middle school and an elementary school division to the comprehensive grant program. By 2016, the IndyVRC had awarded more than 180 grants, impacting nearly 3,000 students and raising nearly $170,000 annually to support the program and city competition.

The success of the original IndyVRC model followed by the Hogsett administration’s support of the program encouraged TPF4Y and the IndyVRC Advisory Board to think bigger - much bigger. Together with the Indiana Department of Workforce Development, Project Lead The Way, REC Foundation, and VEX Robotics, TPF4Y was charged to lead a statewide expansion of the program known today as the State Robotics Initiative (SRI).


Since expanding the IndyVRC city competition to a statewide model in 2016, Indiana has experienced a tremendous increase in the number of competing VEX Robotics teams and is now a national leader in STEM education efforts.

As of February 2021:

  • over $600,000 in grant dollars has been awarded to Indiana robotics teams

  • the number of Indiana VEX IQ teams has increased from 196 to 2,114 (↑978%), engaging over 23,000 Hoosier students

  • Indiana has more robotics teams than any other state in the nation!

A big thank you to the schools and teachers who have helped make all of this possible for Indiana students!


