venture connect

Where high-potential companies connect with venture investors.

TechPoint connects venture capital and investment firms from across the country with the best startups and scale-ups from Indiana. Each year, hundreds of VCs and investable Indiana companies ranging from pre-revenue through Series A and above, will meet through TechPoint Venture Connect.

Venture Connect 2025

TechPoint will host two Venture Connect events in 2025.

Virtual Venture Connect: April 17, 10:30am
Registration is closed. If you are interested in attending, email us to see if there are still spots!

In-Person Venture Connect: September 18, 2025
Registration will open soon!

Our Venture Connect Process

Register to Attend

The TechPoint team will reach out to interested companies and investors to collect information after registration.

Look Book Distributed

This will include all of the company and investor information submitted in the interest form.

Companies and Investors Submit Preferences

Participants will submit their top meeting preferences, which will determine the meeting schedule for the event.

Schedules Created and Distributed

Participants will receive their schedules the week before the event.

Event Takes Place

Investors and companies will engage in back-to-back 20 minute meeting rounds at the event. 

TechPoint Follows Up to Track Impact

Presenting SPONSORS

Interested in supporting our innovation and entrepreneurship community?
