Your Hub for Exchanging VCI Tax Credits
Use our free program that establishes connections between buyers and sellers of Indiana Venture Capital Investment (VCI) tax credits.

Use our free program that establishes connections between buyers and sellers of Indiana Venture Capital Investment (VCI) tax credits.
Interested in selling Indiana VCI tax credits?
Interested in buying Indiana VCI tax credits?
Investors in Indiana startups can receive an additional boost to their investment dollars by leveraging VCI tax credits against their Indiana tax liabilities.
Investors who do not carry Indiana tax liabilities may pursue the sale of their tax credits to potential buyers through the transferability allowance implemented by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) in 2020.
There is no cost to use TechPoint’s Indiana VCI Marketplace to make connections as either a buyer or seller, as facilitating connections that lead to more investment opportunity in our startup community is a part of our mission. Once introduced by a TechPoint representative, paired potential buyers and sellers are encouraged to fully connect and negotiate transaction terms.
An interested tax credit seller will complete the “seller” form on this page.
TechPoint will alert potential tax credit buyers with an anonymized notice of a seller’s offer.
Interested buyers will complete the “buyer” form on this page to indicate interest and bid for a tax credit.
TechPoint will initiate a private email introduction between the seller and the highest bidding buyer(s), depending on the seller’s indicated preference–generally within 10 business days from the inquiry receipt date.
Participants’ privacy is protected through this trusted curation by TechPoint.
TechPoint will not set the transactional terms and will not charge any transactional fees.
Finally, a prospective seller that is seeking to exchange certified VCI tax credits with a buyer must notify the IEDC of the transaction/assignment before it is made.
Both the buyer and seller must complete a single VCI Tax Credit Notice of Assignment Form which can be found on the IEDC webpage before the transaction is completed.
TechPoint will contact the seller within three months for a recap of the connection outcome.
Start making investment connections in the Indiana VCI Marketplace.
Interested in buying a VCI tax credit? Click below to be notified by the TechPoint team when tax credits are available for purchase.
NOTE: You do NOT need to be a startup investor in order to buy VCI tax credits.