Anna Saraceno: from St. Louis to Indiana

Anna Saraceno learned to love Indianapolis, just like she learned to love tech. She was attracted to Indiana University in Bloomington from St. Louis by the strong foreign language program, intending to study Spanish but eventually shifting her focus to public health. Of her first thoughts of Bloomington when she arrived as a freshman, Anna […]

Introducing felix + iris: One Click Changes the Way Consumers Shop for Glasses

The world of ecommerce is large and growing.  Amazon and other big companies dominate many corners of ecommerce, but each year, new success stories are written as innovative companies create delightful online shopping experiences for customers. Through years of working with consumer tech companies on the east and west coasts, I saw many companies build […]

5 observations on the state of coworking

Coworking has come a long way since spaces like The Speak Easy and Launch Fishers first proved the model here in Indiana. Representatives from 15 different coworking spaces & innovation hubs around the state attended the first annual Indiana Coworking Passport Summit at Launch Fishers on September 11. The Indiana Coworking Passport allows any member […]

2 charts every entrepreneur seeking startup funding should see

Last week, I was one of the panelists for TechPoint’s monthly New Economy New Rules breakfast event on the topic of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) — two federal programs that should be of great interest to entrepreneurs seeking startup funding. From the official SBIR/STTR government website: The Small […]

Digital Marketing and The Sales Funnel

To stay relevant and compete in today’s ever-changing digital landscape, having a base knowledge of how digital marketing and advertising works is important. In order to obtain that base knowledge, business owners and marketers often find themselves reading through a list of buzzwords, catchphrases and slogans. While on paper these catchphrases and slogans sound promising, […]

How Project Managers Deal with New Technologies

Like a fingerprint, no two software development projects are the same. Whether it’s the technical requirements, the business processes or the metrics that are critical, each project has its own unique scope or work. But software projects oftentimes come with technologies, systems or software that are new or simply unfamiliar to the project team. These […]

Marty Brown is back home again in Indiana as the new One Click Ventures VP Marketing

In December 2013, Marty Brown made a good call. “During our annual Christmas trip from New York to Indianapolis, in addition to spending time with family, my wife and I decided to try to meet people in our respective fields, in case we decided to move back someday.” This desire to get acquainted with the […]

Don Brown speaks at first-ever TechPoint Tech Thursday on the road

Last week, Interactive Intelligence hosted TechPoint’s first-ever Tech Thursday on the Road. A capacity crowd of 120 attendees gathered for networking on a patio at the company’s headquarters on the northwest side. Interactive Intelligence CEO Don Brown was the featured speaker. Brown is a self-proclaimed “public school kid from Indiana.” His parents hailed from the […]