From big company to small and from MN to home

Last year around this time, Katie Sexton was in the middle of a Minnesota winter. She says that winter was one of the factors that prompted her to get serious about a move home to central Indiana. While Indiana may not be able to promise her a vastly kinder winter, the Indy tech scene certainly […]

Government for the people, by the people

Last year, the City of Indianapolis applied to be a host city for Code for America, a national nonprofit that believes government can work for the people, by the people in the 21st century. Indy was selected and will serve as one of seven Code for America host cities in 2015. Indy’s three Fellows arrived […]

Five easy ways to optimize your landing page

Getting customers to your landing page is only half the battle. Once they click, guests need to be delivered to a landing page optimized to convert these new visitors, and then cultivate a lasting and positive relationship with your brand. The good news is that most top performing landing pages are strategically simple with a […]

South Central Indiana is Filling Its Tech Workforce Pipeline

No matter what the niche, every tech company needs a skilled and ready tech workforce. That includes engineers and software developers, but in South Central Indiana, it also includes technical labor. Metal Technologies, Inc., a Bloomfield-based production machine shop, is a perfect example.  This Greene County wonder has experienced what Human Resources Director, Kirbie Moore, […]

Nominate your mentor for an Inspire Award by Sunday, Feb. 1st

College Mentors for Kids will honor David Becker, Chairman & CEO, First Internet Bancorp, at the 2015 Inspire Awards with the Lifetime Achievement Award in Mentoring. Becker has been extremely influential in the Indianapolis business community and has served as a mentor to numerous entrepreneurs. Kyle Salyers, one of Becker’s many mentees, stated, “At every […]

Tech policy requests for this year’s legislature

A new legislative session has begun at the Indiana Statehouse. While TechPoint is a private, non-partisan non-profit that is not a lobbying organization, decisions made at the Statehouse can impact our tech community so we do make efforts to inform legislators with data like that from the Tech Workforce Report and about tech policy that […]

Robin and Indiana Technology: A Love Story

“I like to think I’ve lost my southern accent over the years. My friends in Arkansas and Texas think I’m a Yankee now.” Robin Fleming, Teradata Marketing Applications VP of Quality Management and Security, has not lost her southern accent. Despite moving to Indianapolis to work for Teradata Applications in 2011, her Arkansas (where she […]

The Tipping Point for Outsourcing

At first, a new business venture builds from within, managing all the aspects of a small organization on its own. As a start-up grows and matures, it begins to focus energy and brain power on a strategy to maintain and support its core business, making distinctions between certain organizational functions that are integral to that […]