Infographic: Tech’s Transition to Strategic Inside Sales

Technology companies need a balanced team of makers, marketers and managers to be successful. Expert sales trainer and TechPoint Sales Bootcamp lead Matt Nettleton says “It’s great if you can manage it, awesome if you can make it, but if you can’t sell it, you’re going nowhere. We’ve got a great community of people who […]

TechPoint Welcomes Seven Executives to Board

2016 has already proved to be a year of scale and growth for TechPoint. From hosting a sold out Mira Awards gala to launching new talent programs, we continue to answer the needs of Indiana technology companies. Today we announced seven executives who joined TechPoint’s Board of Directors in support of our mission. Raj Acharya, Rudy Professor of […]

Fellow Your Dreams: IndyX Tech Fellowship Launches

TechPoint’s IndyX Tech Fellowship program has officially kicked off its inaugural year and the community-minded tech builders chosen to participate this first year are beginning their promising careers at employers around the Indianapolis metro. The Tech Fellowship is a two-year launchpad for new grads, crafted to place developers, designers, and product managers with leading companies […]

Quiz: How well do you know Indy tech?

Do you work at a tech company in Indiana, or know someone who does? Maybe you are curious about the different types of tech companies in our region and how they make an impact nationwide. Take our 10-question multiple choice Indy Tech Quiz to quickly find out how much you know (or don’t know) about […]

Nominate an exceptional employee for the Tech 25

In 2015, TechPoint launched the Tech 25, a prestigious selection of twenty-five individuals who are critical and exceptional performers helping to grow our community’s tech and tech-enabled companies, but who — not being the CEO or other top executives — don’t get celebrated publicly as often as they deserve. We created the Tech 25 to help […]