Trek10 lives in the ‘rare air’ of AWS Advanced Partnership and serverless thought leadership

Industry analysts at Gartner predict that the infrastructure-as-a-service market will grow by more than 38 percent to reach $35 billion or more by the end of the year. Of course, Amazon Web Services (AWS) controls the largest share of this fast-growing market, which may even surpass the already super-fast growth of software-as-a-service over the next […]

GDPR paves a way to better privacy and security standards

ClearObject CEO John McDonald examines the European Union's new data privacy law and how U.S.-based tech companies can lead the charge in protecting their users' data.

13 tech leaders answer ‘why you should move to or expand in Indiana’

TechPoint, Indiana’s nonprofit tech accelerator, asked 13 Hoosier tech leaders one question: “Why should a startup or scale-up launch or grow in Indiana?” It should surprise no one that the Hoosier state is chock-full of tech leaders at startups, scale-ups and fortune 500 companies. It was difficult to choose just this baker’s dozen as there’s […]