
2024’s Record Tech Capex Investments are Preparing Indiana for the Age of AI 

Indiana is in a global race for tech and innovation, and from where we sit, it’s in great position: home to one of only nine Salesforce Towers; one of only six Infosys U.S. tech and innovation centers; one of the top 15 highest-growth VC ecosystems, and now one of the world’s prime data center hosts […]

Does winning a TechPoint Mira Award really matter?  

With the 2024 Mira Awards behind us and exciting news about the 2025 awards soon to come, we thought we’d take a quick look at the impact of the 25-year-old program. Turns out, we’re not the only one who thinks “Indiana’s biggest night in Tech” is still worth the effort.  RxLightning is in rarefied Mira […]
AI Workforce

New TechPoint report guides workers and business leaders to successfully navigate in the wake of pervasive AI adoption 

If it seems like you can’t turn around without hearing about some new application or use case for artificial intelligence (AI), that’s because you can’t.   The pace of change resulting from AI adoption in the world — and in Indiana – is  coming faster than anything organizations and individuals have experienced before. As of May 2024, […]
Mira Awards Nominees

Startup of the Year Nominees for the 2024 Mira Awards Answer a Wide Range of Needs, but Share a Pioneering Spirit  

Tech founders are, by definition, inventors, visionaries, and dreamers who put their ideas to work despite the daunting challenges that derail others. TechPoint’s Startup of the Year Award recognizes companies that are five years old or younger, have shown the most significant development market traction, and have the most promising potential for success, including substantial […]
Mira Awards Nominees

Tech Innovation of the Year Nominees Are Focused on Saving Lives, Time & Money and Clearing Pathways To Improve Hoosier Lives

Innovation is more than a buzzword in Indiana tech circles. It’s commonplace for companies large and small. Winners of the 2024 Mira Award for Innovation rise above the routine with Research and Development efforts and other trailblazing discoveries to become groundbreaking products with significant potential to transform a product category or an entire industry.  SIMBAChain […]
Indiana Tech Jobs

TechPoint Report: Indiana’s 25 Most In-Demand Tech Roles (and how to get them) 

In an era where technology evolves at breakneck speed, staying ahead can seem daunting. How can anyone keep up with this rapid pace of change, especially in the tech industry?   TechPoint releases roadmap to those seeking to join and advance in the tech sector. “Indiana’s Top 25 Tech Careers and the Skills and Competencies Needed […]
Tech Venture Report

TechPoint Report: 2023 VC activity in Indiana edges national performance in a sluggish economy 

TechPoint’s annual analysis of the state’s annual venture capital (VC) landscape shows Indiana made slight gains in a slow economy and is poised to take advantage of an expected upturn in 2024. Chelsea Linder, TechPoint’s Vice President for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, points out that in March, world economists feared the collapse of the California’s Silicon Valley […]

TechPoint launches internship program in South Bend-Elkhart, expands collaboration with AnalytiXIN

We have some exciting news for north central Indiana employers and organizations statewide that are currently working with or plan to dive into data science: our nationally lauded Xtern program will expand next summer to include the South Bend-Elkhart region, and AnalytiXIN will return as an integral part of the program. It’s a great step […]