25 Results Clear Filters

Purdue University

Purdue is a vast laboratory for discovery, known not only for technology and engineering programs, but also for imagination innovation.
Education Technology , University
West Lafayette

Narrative Science

We live at the intersection of technology and humanity. We believe in the power of data and the power of stories.
Big Data/Analytics
West Lafayette


Heliponix™ provides consumers an innovative yet sustainable way to produce food on their property with the minimal amount of land and water.
Ag Technology
West Lafayette


SensorHound™ develops advanced remote monitoring and diagnostics solution for the Internet of Things.
Sensor Technology
West Lafayette

Concordance Health Solutions, Inc.

CHS offers products and services to improve patient medication adherence.
Big Data/Analytics , Healthcare Technology
West Lafayette

Purdue Innovates

Purdue Innovates is a streamlined system providing innovators support and resources for technology commercialization, intellectual property protection and licensing, enterprise creation, and venture capital.
Incubator , University , Venture Capital
West Lafayette

Novilytic, LLC

Novilytic is a molecular recognition company that utilizes nanotechnology to monitor the quality of lifesaving medicines.
Analytics , Healthcare Technology
West Lafayette


Solinftec is a leading software platform that combines cutting edge technology to drive agricultural digitalization globally.
Ag Technology , Technology/Services
West Lafayette

Prehensile Technologies

Our goal is to enable persons with disabilities access to cutting-edge technologies to promote greater independence and social inclusion.
Consumer Technology , Healthcare Technology
West Lafayette


Giving communication to children with autism & related disabilities with a set of software apps used to teach speech & language skills.
Education Technology
West Lafayette


Healthcare Technology
West Lafayette

KinaSense LLC

KinaSense develops technologies for testing tyrosine kinase inhibitors in pre-clinical drug discovery as well as clinical applications.
Healthcare Technology
West Lafayette

Spensa Tech

Spensa is a precision agriculture technology that helps growers and trusted advisors smartly manage insects, weeds, and disease.
Ag Technology , App Development
West Lafayette

Active Lesson LLC

Education Technology
West Lafayette

Akanocure Pharmaceuticals

Healthcare Technology
West Lafayette

Animated Dynamics Inc.

Animated Dynamics' innovative Biodynamic Imaging allows them to look inside living tissues to measure the effectiveness of drug treatments.
Healthcare Technology , Imaging Technology
West Lafayette

Vasc-Alert, LLC

Vasc-Alert, LLC was formed in 2002. FDA clearance was obtained in 2003, 2004
Big Data/Analytics , Healthcare Technology
West Lafayette

HySonic Technologies

HySonic possesses proprietary design technologies to enhance the aerodynamic efficiency of existing hypersonic weapon systems.
Aviation Technology , Manufacturing Technology
West Lafayette

Adipo Therapeutics

Adipo Therapeutics aims to transform energy-storing white fat into energy-burning brown fat to treat metabolic diseases.
Healthcare Technology , Technology/Services
West Lafayette

Skyepack Inc.

Skyepack provides an engaging, convenient, and affordable solution for higher education course content.
Education Technology , Technology/Services
West Lafayette