Purdue’s Dawn or Doom Conference: Will humanity pay a price for technology moving too fast?

Science fiction has captivated readers and audiences with apocalyptic futures ruled by machines. Dire predictions of technology run-amok usually draw sideways glances and chuckles, but recent developments in bionic exoskeletons and advanced robotics, for example, have forced many people to think twice. Today at Purdue University’s Dawn or Doom conference, 20 Purdue faculty experts from all […]

Introducing felix + iris: One Click Changes the Way Consumers Shop for Glasses

The world of ecommerce is large and growing.  Amazon and other big companies dominate many corners of ecommerce, but each year, new success stories are written as innovative companies create delightful online shopping experiences for customers. Through years of working with consumer tech companies on the east and west coasts, I saw many companies build […]

Get your FREE Connections 2014 Keynote & EXPO Hall Pass and discount code. Plus 5 Lucky winners will receive a Full 3-Day Conference Pass!

The 8th annual Connections digital marketing conference brought to you by Salesforce.com’s ExactTarget Marketing Cloud is coming up September 23-25 at the Indiana Convention Center in downtown Indianapolis. Connections is three days jam-packed with inspirational keynote speakers, educational breakout sessions and world class entertainment. TechPoint and ExactTarget have partnered to bring the Indiana tech community three […]

5 observations on the state of coworking

Coworking has come a long way since spaces like The Speak Easy and Launch Fishers first proved the model here in Indiana. Representatives from 15 different coworking spaces & innovation hubs around the state attended the first annual Indiana Coworking Passport Summit at Launch Fishers on September 11. The Indiana Coworking Passport allows any member […]

Digital Marketing and The Sales Funnel

To stay relevant and compete in today’s ever-changing digital landscape, having a base knowledge of how digital marketing and advertising works is important. In order to obtain that base knowledge, business owners and marketers often find themselves reading through a list of buzzwords, catchphrases and slogans. While on paper these catchphrases and slogans sound promising, […]