5 ways to increase diversity in company leadership and culture

As a woman, and the CEO of a tech company celebrating its 20th anniversary, I’ve worked hard to foster an environment where my employees have diverse experiences and leadership that nourishes that diverse culture.

City of Indianapolis releases 50 new ‘Shift Indy’ online services

Powered by Shift Indy – a two-year initiative focused on reimagining government service – my.indy.gov has greatly improved the way individuals access city and county government services.

Should you insource or outsource your tech company’s marketing team?

Sapphire Strategy's Jenn Golding dives into marketing for tech companies to help them figure out the who, when, and how equation for building their marketing teams.

6 Amazing Technology Facts Only Few People Know

Today’s world seems to be entirely dominated by technology. We can find it almost everywhere around us. Think for a moment about how much technology you usually need every day to work, study, or do your homework. It’s incredible how much technology we use every day, from transponder car keys to automated alarm systems, from […]

GDPR paves a way to better privacy and security standards

ClearObject CEO John McDonald examines the European Union's new data privacy law and how U.S.-based tech companies can lead the charge in protecting their users' data.