Learn to code, stay motivated, and land a job.

“I’ve watched some Udemy online course videos, but I couldn’t get the instructor’s code to work so I gave up.” If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that, I’d have more than a pocketful of nickels. Learning to code is a marathon, not a sprint, and you should know what you’re getting […]

How to Enjoy What You Do and Why I Love Working for Lessonly

It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack or a white cat in a snowstorm. It’s scarcer than hen’s teeth or a diamond in the rough. The journey to find a job or career that you love is hard. It’s a constant struggle to find the balance between stress, hard work, massive success, and […]

Women’s groups INSIDE tech companies provide a support system

While men might outnumber women in the technology field, there is no lack of support for women in technology in Indianapolis. In fact, as a show of support and encouragement, many women’s groups have been created in internal organizations to support the efforts and contributions of women in technology. In Indianapolis alone, we’ve identified a […]

South Bend Code School expands to Fort Wayne, Goshen

CBRE released their 2017 Scoring Tech Talent report last week, which helps companies see the most and least expensive cities as potential locations for their technology company. The report exclaims that Indianapolis’ tech talent is of very high quality and labor costs are considered low. The least costly city is Vancouver, followed by Toronto, Indianapolis, […]

TechPoint announces new chair, Scott McCorkle, and two new board members

Salesforce Marketing Cloud COO Glenda Akers and Kronos VP, Global Professional Services Kristina Lengyel join board of directors TechPoint has announced new leadership for its board of directors. Scott McCorkle, former chief executive officer of Salesforce Marketing Cloud, will become board chair replacing Kelly Pfledderer, founder and former CEO of Apparatus. Glenda Akers, chief operating […]