Hacker and maker: Andy Shi helps build tech ecosystems in Indy Tech Fellowship
The technology bug bit Andy Shi early in life. From Legos and remote-control cars to building and fixing computers, he’s always loved tinkering and building. With the Indy Tech Fellowship, Andy has traveled deep into this passion, exploring the possibilities with some of Indianapolis’ most exciting tech startups. While his interest began while he was […]
Tiffany White pushes the frontier of Indy aerospace tech
Ever since she was a little girl, Tiffany White has dreamed of breaking through new frontiers. Captivated by Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie tales, she imagined herself as a pioneer, a Midwest girl of strong heart and spirit, pushing the boundaries of what was known. It’s a deep passion that’s led her […]
Creating Diversity with Talent, Training, and Thought Leadership
Diversity is a topic we hear and read about daily. Whether it’s mentioned in the workplace, news, or social media, it’s a prevalent topic dominating the workplace and the rapidly growing Indiana tech scene. Do we truly know what it means, how to obtain it, and how to use it to create profitability? For technology […]