Jim McIntosh said he was gone for good
After Jim McIntosh graduated from the Purdue College of Technology in 1997, he moved west and swore he’d never move back. That didn’t pan out exactly as he had planned. The Director of Product at Indianapolis startup TinderBox (helping salespeople save time and make the sale from end to end) is originally from northern Indiana. […]
4 ways volunteerism can boost your startup
When putting together a startup business plan or investor deck, corporate volunteerism isn’t a topic that typically takes up a lot of space. However, it can pay true dividends for your company in terms of recruiting tech talent, retaining employees and employee satisfaction, and lean startup marketing. Here are a few ways in which volunteering […]
The survey that sparked Indy’s tech talent movement
Eighteen months ago, TechPoint conducted a workforce survey that sparked a talent movement in Indianapolis. After confirming long-assumed challenges shared by 26 key tech employers and learning valuable insights into their talent recruitment needs, TechPoint developed two tech workforce reports and launched its Xpat and Xtern talent attraction and retention initiatives that are changing minds […]
Finally, an award for tech builders
Every community seems to have the same problem. We do a good job of recognizing the rising stars and the trailblazing lifetime achievers, but nobody ever does much to celebrate the exceptional people in the middle — the actual tech builders and creators. Well, TechPoint is about to remedy that for the tech sector in […]
From big company to small and from MN to home
Last year around this time, Katie Sexton was in the middle of a Minnesota winter. She says that winter was one of the factors that prompted her to get serious about a move home to central Indiana. While Indiana may not be able to promise her a vastly kinder winter, the Indy tech scene certainly […]