A very merry IndyXmas to you

Saturday night at DeveloperTown and Speak Easy, we welcomed almost 250 guests to the second-annual IndyXmas. IndyXmas is a party designed to showcase the Indy tech community for out-of-towners home for the holidays. It is also a celebration of the success and growth of Indy tech. Over the past five years, Indy tech companies like […]

Can Indianapolis compete with other tech hubs for the best talent?

Technology skills are fast emerging as essential in every kind of company, and across all sectors. These tech-savvy workers tend to cluster in metropolitan areas where they can live and work among others with similar skills and experiences. In the second of TechPoint’s workforce reports, Defining the Demand—Tech Skills Central Indiana Companies Need to Grow, […]

Is Indianapolis America’s Most Surprising City?

It’s official! Indianapolis has been named “America’s Most Surprising City” by travel site Lonely Planet. Just days apart, the site also ranked Indianapolis sixth on its list of the top 10 American destinations primed for a visit in 2015. You can check out the Lonely Planet rankings here and here. It’s opportune timing for these lifestyle […]

Indy media buzzing about tech workforce report

Indy’s appetite for tech news is growing, and Indy media have served up some tasty tech news entrees over the past week! Inside Indiana Business, the Indianapolis Business Journal and WIBC-Radio all covered the release of TechPoint’s second Workforce Report, which highlights the tech skills that are most in demand among tech employers and the continuing […]

Over the river and through the woods…to IndyXmas!

The countdown to IndyXmas has officially begun. We’re 17 days out and the excitement is building quickly. There are already people from 14 different states registered to attend, but we still need more out-of-towners to join us! So here’s the big ask: who do you know who will be in Indy from out of town […]