RxLightning wins Disruptor of the Year Mira Award
New Albany, Ind.-based RxLightning, an innovator in providing digital solutions for specialty medication access, won the award for Disruptor of the year during TechPoint’s 24th annual Mira Awards gala honoring the best of tech in Indiana.
Some say lightning never strikes twice in the same place. For RxLightning, the old adage just doesn’t hold true.
By winning the 2023 Disruptor of the Year Mira Award, RxLightning became the first double-award winner to follow its dual 2022 wins with another set of double wins.
RxLightning won Startup of the Year and Tech Product of the Year awards in 2022. This year, they won “Best of Tech” Mira Awards for Product Launch of the Year and Disrupt of the Year.
Founded in 2020 by Julia Regan and Brad Allen, RxLightning has brought digital innovation to a paper-dominated process for patients to receive more than 1200 specialty medications, reducing wait times from weeks or months to just day or even hours.
The Mira Awards judges said the potential for saving lives along with updating an antiquated process put RxLightning over the edge to win the highly competitive category.
See All Award Winners from the 2023 Mira Awards Gala.
TechPoint, the nonprofit, industry-led growth initiative for Indiana’s digital innovation economy, honored the state’s top successes and innovations during the 24th annual Mira Awards gala with presenting sponsors UKG, Salesforce and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation.
A total of 18 award winners and honorees were chosen from the 141 outstanding people, companies and products that were selected as nominees for their achievements during the 2022 calendar year.
Fifty-two independent, volunteer judges spent more than 850 total hours evaluating applications, interviewing nominees, and selecting this year’s winners. Judges included an impressive roster of company founders, CEOs and presidents, CTOs, CIOs, engineers and other industry professionals.

TechPoint’s Mira Awards are named after the first of the brilliant variable stars to be discovered—the Mira Star. It is also the Latin root meaning “worthy of admiration, wonderful, marvelous.” The awards represent the best of tech in Indiana each year.