5 Ways You Could Be Losing Online Customers

According to Nielsen, American adults spend 34 hours a month online via smart phones, and another 27 hours on laptops or computers. In spite of this drastic shift, many businesses are still failing to grasp the concept of the user experience and alienating customers by using the wrong marketing tactics. Here are five of the […]

Torchlite promises to fix what’s broken with digital marketing

The sharing economy business model has definitely worked for billion dollar companies like Uber, Airbnb and Instacart. Now, professional services companies are venturing into interesting new operating structures that they are calling collaborative economy, or gig economy business models. With the launch today of Torchlite, Indianapolis can now claim at least two start-ups in this […]

ConsulTeams connects entrepreneurs with hassle-free, expert advice

The on-demand, digital economy continues to change the way we shop and interact with just about everyone and everything. You’re probably familiar with buying commodity services like a shared ride, an overnight stay, or getting your lawn mowed through an app on your smartphone. Now it’s professional services that are the next frontier in online […]

Two legacy Indiana tech companies acquired by private equity firms

Two of Indiana’s earliest software companies — companies that blazed tech trails and attracted and nurtured some of the state’s very first tech talent — have both been acquired by private equity firms. Carmel, Ind.-based loan-origination and portfolio-management software company Baker Hill was sold by former acquirer Experian for $100 million to The Riverside Co., a […]

Bill Godfrey’s five criteria for angel investing

When he was 30 years old, Bill Godfrey told his wife that he didn’t like the feeling of “having a job” and that he wanted to do something different. If his life were a television sitcom, this would be the moment when his wife gives him an “if-looks-could-kill” stare that puts an end to Bill’s […]

Statistics for women-owned startups is bleak.

Statistics for women-owned startups is bleak.  According to the Wall Street Journal, only 7% of venture funding and only 4% of the total dollar value of all small-business loans go to women-owned businesses.  Yet the record 9.9 million women-owned businesses in the U.S. generate more than $1.6 trillion in revenues, employ 8.98 million people resulting […]

Assuming your customers are happy is a bad idea.

What voices are the most important voices to be heard for any B2B business? My hope is that most people would agree that you have to hear the customer’s (or potential customer’s) input. You simply will not have a business if you do not have a customer to sell your products or services to. However, […]

Sigstr turns email signatures into sales opportunities.

Businesses send an estimated 112 billion emails every day, according to The Radicati Group’s latest Email Statistics Report. And business email volume is expected to grow at at least three percent a year through 2019. Are you making the most of all of these touch points with your customers, partners, investors and other stakeholders? Indianapolis-based […]