Sigstr’s simplified genius is ready for 10x growth

When I first wrote about Sigstr in August I was gobsmacked by its simplified genius. Sigstr is a centralized software-as-a-service platform that helps marketers push content and campaigns to employee email signatures, driving brand consistency and real marketing results with analytics. Why has it taken so long for someone to come up with this idea? […]

Sigstr turns email signatures into sales opportunities.

Businesses send an estimated 112 billion emails every day, according to The Radicati Group’s latest Email Statistics Report. And business email volume is expected to grow at at least three percent a year through 2019. Are you making the most of all of these touch points with your customers, partners, investors and other stakeholders? Indianapolis-based […]

Geofeedia Wins Marketing Tech Award

Geofeedia received the Marketing Tech Award during TechPoint’s 16th annual Mira Awards honoring the best of tech in Indiana. Geofeedia provides location-based social media monitoring, intelligence and analysis for corporate security, public safety, media/journalism and marketing teams.     Geofeedia is the market leader in location-based social media monitoring, intelligence and analysis for corporate security, […]