The Ultimate Internship Experience.
TechPoint’s full-time paid internship program that places 200+ students with Indiana tech employers.
TechPoint’s full-time paid internship program that places 200+ students with Indiana tech employers.
Get paid to work alongside industry leaders at some of the fastest-growing tech companies.
Gain access to highly-skilled tech talent through Xtern’s college recruitment engine.
Work alongside leaders at some of the fastest-growing tech companies, make friends with more than 100 other Xterns from around the country, and experience why Indy is such an awesome place to live.
We will introduce you to people in a variety of industries and professions who help make Indy the vibrant and growing city it is, and you will learn how you can get involved and leave your mark.
If the world of tech is where you see yourself, then Xtern is the program for you.