With unique internship, Trek10 plans to upend traditional job training

South Bend, Ind.-based Trek10 has a practical approach to transforming their interns’ learning experiences, giving them the chance to use industry-specific knowledge to increase their employment potential.

Are we doing enough to make Indy tech diverse and inclusive?

A new Jobs in Tech seminar exposed a diverse group of students to what's possible in tech and how programs like Xtern can open new doors.

IUPUI partners with local companies to introduce talent to Indy tech

The Computer Science Industry Partnership Program (CSIPP) is an effort to better unite the skills and talent coming from universities with the needs and opportunities present in tech companies.

Game, app and website developer BitLoft hires ‘unicorn employees’

Careful selection of talent and the infusion of key cultural components has contributed to BitLoft’s success in establishing itself within a busy consulting space.

Educating the educators: the key to a better talent pipeline?

The Infosys Pathfinders Summer Institute, hosted at IU Bloomington from July 14-19 and managed by Infosys Foundation USA, takes a broader approach to the talent pipeline by training teachers in the tools and skills needed to prepare their students for a future in tech.