Meet Alia McCord, Executive Assistant at Scale Computing

Alia's career path took her through several office environments before she found a deep connection to a technology-focused office at Scale Computing. Read about her role as an executive assistant in this post.

Meet Zachary Cardwell, Data Scientist at Springbuk

Zachary says nothing is more exciting than finding an elegant answer to a difficult problem. Read about his career in tech from IT analyst to data scientist.

Meet Nicole Bickett, VP of People and Administration at Springbuk

Nicole loves seeing her company add positions and gain new ideas and talent from each new role. Read about her journey from psychology degree to a VP role in human resources.

Meet Jonathan Gandolf, Director of Marketing at Springbuk

Jonathan says marketers have to be collaborative. You should be willing to stand up and fight for your ideas, while also being able to intently listen to feedback and be flexible when necessary. Read about his career journey from marketing to craft beer and back.

Meet Amanda Shields, Senior Signature Success Engineer at Salesforce

It was an "Introduction to Informatics" class that led Amanda down the path to a career in tech rather than music. Despite her passion for music, IT and it's daily puzzles was a more fitting field.