By Tony Speller, Senior Vice Present of Technical Operations and Engineering for Comcast 

Cybersecurity has become increasingly critical in recent years due to rapid digitalization on a global scale. As more devices connect and more data is generated and stored online, security threats grow. Cybercriminals are targeting valuable information—from personal data to intellectual property—using common techniques like ransomware and phishing scams in addition to increasingly sophisticated ways to steal or corrupt data. 

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this trend by pushing more activities online, which created new vulnerabilities, especially with more people working from their homes. This shift emphasized the need for strong cybersecurity measures to protect remote access, ensure data privacy and defend against evolving threats. 

In response, governments and organizations worldwide are investing heavily in cybersecurity infrastructure and skilled professionals. For example, Comcast Business has a 10-year partnership with the U. S. Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) to provide Ethernet that will enhance connectivity, improve network performance and manage overall telecommunications costs throughout the Agency’s Defense Information Systems Network (DISN).  

DISA provides enterprise network and IT infrastructure to support the requirements of the U.S. Department of Defense’s more than 40 military services, combatant commands and support organizations worldwide, including the offices and operations of the U.S. President, Vice President and Secretary of Defense.  

How Consumers and Businesses can Protect Themselves Online  
With endless access to advanced technologies and devices, millions of Americans unwittingly put themselves at risk of a cyber-attack every day.  

High-speed internet is an essential resource to access daily educational, economic and healthcare benefits, so it is imperative that these users understand the various types of cybersecurity threats. One of the most common threats is malware—malicious software designed to infiltrate systems and steal sensitive information, disrupt operations, or gain unauthorized access. This includes viruses, worms, Trojans and ransomware, each posing unique risks and challenges to digital security. 

Phishing attacks are another significant concern. These deceptive tactics use fake emails, messages or websites to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information like passwords or credit card details. Such attacks prey on human trust and can have serious consequences for personal and organizational security. 

Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks also pose serious threats, aiming to overwhelm networks or servers with traffic, making services inaccessible to legitimate users. Additionally, insider threats—whether from malicious insiders or unintentional actions—highlight the importance of robust security measures and vigilant monitoring. 

By understanding these threats, users and organizations are empowered to implement effective cybersecurity strategies. This includes using strong passwords, keeping software up to date, being cautious of suspicious emails or links and fostering a culture of cyber awareness and resilience 

Protecting Small Businesses  

Forty-one percent of U.S. small businesses fell victim to a cyber-attack in 2023, a rise from 38 percent in 2022 and close to double from 22 percent in 2021, according to a recent Hiscox report. That report also revealed the median cost of cyber-attacks decreased for small businesses in the U.S. from $10,000 in 2022 to $8,300 in 2023. At the same time, the median number of attacks has risen from 3 in 2022 to 4 in 2023. 

We at Comcast are pleased to report that our Business Security Edge product, which helps protect businesses, small and enterprise, against phishing and bad actor sites, monitoring and intervention against Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS), is part of the solution. For example, on just one day alone in 2023, our Security Edge teams blocked more than 21 million attempts to access websites associated with malware and detected 30,000+ SMBs with phishing attempts. 

Protecting businesses from cyber threats is essential to safeguard sensitive data, maintain operations and preserve customer trust. Cybersecurity measures help mitigate financial losses due to breaches and prevent disruptions in services. By prioritizing cybersecurity, businesses demonstrate their commitment to maintaining a secure environment for employees, customers and stakeholders alike. 

Safeguarding Your Home 

Cybersecurity isn’t just an organizational concern; it’s a personal responsibility that starts at home.  

Cyberattacks are predicted to occur every 22 seconds, nearly a 50 percent increase from attacks in 2016. Worldwide spending on cybersecurity is projected to exceed $1.75 trillion between 2021 and 2025. This is a significant increase from previous years as organizations prioritize cybersecurity measures. There are practical steps each of us can take to bolster our digital defenses and protect our families from cyber threats.  

  1. Ensure all devices connected to home networks, from computers to smart appliances, have updated antivirus software and firewalls. These defenses help guard against malware and unauthorized access attempts. 
  1. Use available tools to safeguard against cyberattacks. Homeowners can protect their devices and internet with tools like Comcast’s xFi Advanced Security. This security software protects customers from nearly 10 billion cybersecurity threats through monitoring network activity to indicate a security risk. It also helps prevent consumers from accidentally accessing risky sites, blocks remote access to smart devices from known dangerous sources and monitors network activity in real time to detect when devices are behaving in unusual ways that could indicate a security risk. 
  1. Education is also key. Teaching family members, especially children and older adults, about safe online behavior—like avoiding suspicious links or downloads and being cautious on social media—can significantly reduce vulnerability to cyber threats. 
  1. Back up important data regularly to external devices or cloud services to ensure that even if a device is compromised, critical information remains accessible and secure. By implementing these practices at home, personal information is protected and users contribute to a safer digital environment for the entire community. 

By understanding and addressing the diverse range of cyber threats, from malware and phishing attacks to insider risks, businesses can fortify their defenses and mitigate potential risks. Embracing proactive cybersecurity strategies protects sensitive data and business operations and fosters trust with customers and partners.  

Comcast is dedicated to keeping our customers safe and to continuing to create innovative technology to protect businesses and home consumers. Together, we can safely navigate an increasingly digital landscape and build a more resilient and secure future.