Meet the Exceptional Employer of the Year nominees for the 22nd annual Mira Awards

Celebrating tech companies that are doing an exceptional job of hiring and developing talent, cultivating workplace culture, and increasing diversity. The Indy tech community is booming and showing no signs of stopping. As a thriving tech hub in the Midwest, Indiana is leading the way with innovation and integrity, a potent combination for which tech […]

Meet the Community Impact Award nominees for the 22nd annual Mira Awards

Celebrating mission-driven people or organizations that have helped push our tech community forward If you have the privilege of working in tech in Indiana, you know our ecosystem is composed of not only brilliant minds and solutions, but also those willing to invest their time and resources. We’re encouraged by the number of people helping […]

Meet the Rising Entrepreneur Award nominees for the 22nd annual Mira Awards

Recognizes exceptional startup founders of any age and experience who have looked outside the box, started something new, and generated momentum Despite the challenges last year brought, 2020 was a break-through year for new Indiana tech stars. These nominees prove that talent, drive, and successful execution are present and thriving in our Hoosier state. The […]

Meet the Startup of the Year nominees for the 22nd annual Mira Awards

Startups with great potential that demonstrate the creative, strategic, and innovative entrepreneurial spirit of Indiana’s technology industry There are a lot of great ideas out there, but it takes determination and perseverance to truly test it and discover if that great idea can one day become a great company with the power to last. The […]

Meet the Investor of the Year nominees for the 22nd annual Mira Awards

The venture firms or angel investors who bring money plus outstanding connections, advice, and attention to Indiana companies One of the greatest things about Indiana’s tech ecosystem is that people are genuinely interested in this growing technology movement and they put their money where their mouth is. We’re always impressed by the caliber of support […]

Celebrating trailblazing women with Indiana roots and connections

March is Women’s History Month, so we’re celebrating some of Indiana’s  pioneering female leaders. Much like last month’s Black History Month celebration of Black innovators and entrepreneurs, this list isn’t meant to be comprehensive, rather it’s meant to introduce you to some fierce women who worked to improve Indiana and cleared the way for many […]

Counterpart gives back deliciously

When you have a client that makes delicious concoctions, it only makes sense to check in from time-to-time to spend a little on their treats. It’s a win-win-win as you patronize a good client, get a close-up visual on how things are going all while delighting your team. But Counterpart doesn’t stop there when it […]

Celebrating Black innovators and entrepreneurs from Indiana

In honor of Black History Month, we’re taking a closer look at some of the fascinating Black innovators and entrepreneurs who have made a lasting and significant impact on Indiana and in many cases, indeed, the world. From the familiar names and institutions to the lesser-known pioneers, this list of great Indiana achievers isn’t supposed […]