Indiana Economic Development Corporation: Julie Heath, Elisabeth Nieshalla — X Years of Talent

In this episode, we sit down with Julie Heath, vice president of entrepreneurial ecosystems at the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, along with Elisabeth Nieshalla, Taylor University student and entrepreneurial fellow at IEDC. They talk about the role talent plays in the success of Indiana’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and IEDC’s new partnership to bring Xtern to young […]
Read advice from professionals on how to take your tech career to the next level

How to Advance your Tech Career

A tech career may have different trajectories than traditional industries, but the requirements for advancement are largely the same. Learn how to grow and advance your tech career with advice from professionals.

Tech 25 winner Andy Lehman fosters startup tech growth with programming

Indiana has a wealth of talented tech playmakers who are having a big impact as they build the technology and tech companies that are driving economic growth in the Hoosier state. Join us in celebrating the Tech 25 class of 2022 through this profile series and learn a bit more about each winner. Andy Lehman is […]
Help inclusively grow Indiana's tech workforce through talent strategies like skills-based hiring

Skills-First Hiring: Reflection and Motivation 

Two months ago, more than 200 early adopters of TechPoint’s Mission41K gathered to learn more about to help overcome unprecedented and global talent challenges that threaten to slow central Indiana’s steady progress toward national recognition as a thriving and diverse tech hub. It was a day-long event that included national, state and local leaders from […]
Xtern Finalist Day combined with Orr Fellowship Finalist Day to help strengthen Indiana's talent pipelines

Young tech pros, Allegion, Eli Lilly & Company and Infosys honored at Xtern Finalist Day

University students from around the country gathered in downtown Indianapolis on Friday, November 18, 2022, to interview with Indiana tech employers for internships and the chance to join the heralded Xtern program.
Hiring neurodiverse individuals is key to strengthening Indiana's tech talent pipelines

Hiring neurodiverse professionals is key to helping Indiana’s tech talent concerns

There’s a lot of talk about hiring neurodiverse individuals in the tech industry, but we often fall short when it comes to putting those words into action. The truth is, we need more neurodiverse employees and we need them now.  What Does Neurodiverse Mean?  Neurodiverse means people with different ways of thinking and different ways […]
Military veterans are key to TechPoint’s Mission41K but you’re probably not recruiting them very well

Veterans are key to Indiana’s future tech workforce (and you should recruit them)

Most military veterans leave their tours of duty with skills and training that make them ideal candidates for civilian employment. But more than 15 percent of U.S. veterans are underemployed compared to job seekers without military experience.  Why? Because too few companies fully understand how to market employment opportunities to veterans, and too few veterans […]
Why I'm supporting TechPoint's Mission41K

Why I’m supporting TechPoint’s plan to inclusively grow Indiana’s tech sector 

Over the past decade careers in tech have risen considerably. Even if you’re not in the tech world directly, I’m sure most (if not all) of us have heard the not-so-soft-rumblings of highly lucrative tech positions.    Combining this with the new era of work that has been ushered in the wake of the pandemic, communities […]