Indiana health tech companies drive digital innovation through infrastructure

Health tech is finding its golden age in a post-pandemic world.  Advancements of every sort and size have quickly gone from “maybe someday” timelines to developments happening right now, whether out of necessity or audacity. Health tech is one of the tech community’s fastest-growing bright spots, and a key digital innovation opportunity for the state. […]

CEO Perspective: Defining tech’s many facets

When is a company considered a tech company? That’s a question we at TechPoint are frequently asked as more companies are innovating from within, creating tech products, and relying on technology to build and sustain their business. Our President and CEO Mike Langellier wrote a perspective for the Indianapolis Business Journal to answer the question […]

VC Report: Q2 2019 investments in Indiana technology companies

There were 15 publicly announced instances of Indiana tech companies raising capital or obtaining grant money in the second quarter of 2019 totalling over $42 million.