Allegion might be the largest cutting-edge tech company you didn’t know existed

As a somewhat in-the-know tech insider, I’m generally aware of the big players in my city. However, following a recent interview with executives at Allegion and a visit to their Americas regional headquarters and new technology center, I discovered I was missing out on one of the coolest (and largest) tech companies in the area! […]

VC Report: Q2 2019 investments in Indiana technology companies

There were 15 publicly announced instances of Indiana tech companies raising capital or obtaining grant money in the second quarter of 2019 totalling over $42 million.

TechPoint Mira Awards Honor ‘The Best of Tech in Indiana’

MOBI, ClusterTruck, ClearObject, DoubleMap, One Click, DemandJump, Fizziology and Arrhythmotech Among Top Honorees TechPoint, the growth initiative for Indiana’s tech ecosystem, honored the successes and innovation of Indiana companies, entrepreneurs, educators, and other leaders at The Westin Indianapolis during the 18th annual Mira Awards gala presented by Angie’s List, Genesys, and Salesforce. A total of […]