VC Report: Q2 2020 M&A and investments in Indiana technology companies

As we delve into publicly shared capital raises, mergers and acquisitions involving Indiana tech companies for the second quarter of 2020, it has the appearance of a solid rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic when compared to the first quarter. Coming in at just over $32 million in investments, grants and cash awards, the second quarter […]

VC Report: Q3 2019 investments in Indiana technology companies

In the Q3 2019 VC report, see the Indiana fundraises and grants that contributed to a $76.5M+ total as well as mergers and acquisitions.

Tax Reform’s Impact on Tech Companies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Like it or not, tax reform is here, and its impact is far-reaching. Technology companies in particular should pay close attention as they could be affected more than others. The following is a summary of key provisions in the new law and their implications for tech companies. Additional information on tax law changes – such […]