How Privacy Updates Are Shaking Up Marketing Playbooks
In an era driven by data and technology, privacy concerns are wielding a significant influence over the marketing landscape. Apple’s iOS 15 update, featuring the Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) feature, set off a chain reaction across the digital marketing world a few years ago, and the more recent Apple iOS 17 Link Tracking Protection has […]
Nominations open today for TechPoint’s 25th annual ‘Best of Tech’ Mira Awards
Tickets are on sale now; capacity has doubled with the April 26, 2024, event now at the Old National Centre TechPoint today opened nominations for its highly anticipated 25th-anniversary Mira Awards honoring the “Best of Tech” in Indiana. Named after the brightest star that can be seen from Earth, the Mira Awards gala recognizes excellence […]
New Trust-Building Exercise: Digital Transformation
When it comes to modern governance, trust has emerged as a pivotal cornerstone in shaping the relationship between businesses and their customers, as well as citizens and their governments. While digital transformation was traditionally associated with upgrading systems for efficiency, a recent Deloitte study presents an alternative perspective. This study underscores the profound connection between […]
The State of Emerging Technologies
Even though I’m a technologist and a software engineer, I’m a creator at heart. What gets me excited is creating new things and helping people benefit from the new things we create together. Thanks to Emerging Technologies, there’s never been a more exciting time to create. And there’s never been a wider array of tools […]
Indiana Leads in the HealthTech and MedTech Evolution
Every industry has been transformed in one way or another by technology, and the healthcare industry is no exception. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated developments in the healthcare space to address challenges with ineffective patient care and inefficiencies in administrative processes—especially as digital health experiences have increased over the past five years. In addition, medical technology […]
SEP built a forever home that others now see as their home office, too
When a majority of the Indiana tech community adopted remote work in 2020, software product design and development firm SEP started building a world-class headquarters in Westfield that would more than double its space. In 2021, when many of those companies had decided to go permanently remote or hybrid, SEP brought its full team back […]