Student Connections is helping solve big problems and changing lives

Tech jobs are hot. Tech sector growth is making headlines from coast to coast and Indianapolis is home to some of the fastest tech jobs growth in the nation, which is great. This exciting growth, however, is not limited to software developers and other highly technical roles. It’s not just for those companies we easily […]

Scaling company culture during rapid growth

In light of the company's recent and fast growth, PERQ's CEO & co-founder Andy Medley offers three strategies on how to not lose the core of your company culture while being open to talents and ideas from new hires to make the culture stronger.

Mateusz Kosciuk finds a new favorite city through the Indy Tech Fellowship

Born in Poland, Mateusz Kosciuk (pronounced Muh-TAY-oosh KOSH-chook) and his family moved to Chicago when he was three years old. Though he can still speak Polish, he was Americanized quickly, fitting into the fabric of urban life in Chicago. As he grew up, he discovered he enjoyed tinkering with his family’s computers and troubleshooting technology […]