PactSafe is transforming the way software-as-a-service companies use contracts

Let’s face it, business-to-business (B2B) contracts are a hassle. Despite their necessity, problems with contracts are the reason about one out of every 10 deals deals falls apart due to inefficiencies, legal reasons or other friction throughout the contracting process. And forget about analytics; accessing contract data is a manual process that makes getting a […]

Pondurance is adding its name to the Indianapolis skyline

Just this week Gartner Inc. analysts announced that worldwide information security spending will increase 7.9 percent, reaching $81.6 billion by the end of the year, with security consulting and outsourcing capturing the largest shares of growth. Despite the increased security spending, high-profile data breaches keep happening in already highly regulated sectors like healthcare, financial services […]

First Quarter Recap: Catch up on ‘Featured Company of the Week’ stories

As we close the books on the first quarter of 2016, we reflect on the many “Featured Company of the Week” stories we’ve published and see what trends they highlight happening in the tech community. These startups and scale-ups are rapidly emerging, innovation-driven companies that could be Indiana’s next big success stories. Several of our featured […]