Indy talent bringing order to the chaos of digital life with Gusto app

Tired of searching through your email for those pictures you sent last month? Or perhaps you need an original version of that contract a client emailed to you. Freshly launched Gusto has an iPhone app that not only lets you attach files to emails (finally), but also assembles every file, photo or email you’ve ever sent […]

Join TechPoint and the United Way for eye-opening poverty simulations

The end of the year is magical for a number of reasons, all of which depend on who you talk to. For sales professionals, both end of quarter and end of year sales goals are (hopefully) met. For managers, the end of year signals performance reviews. But for many, the end of the year isn’t […]
Nick Klooz Zylo

Unplanned Journey: My career in design at a fast-growing startup

As marketing designer at Zylo, I work on designing and developing creative projects to support nearly every aspect of the business including marketing, sales, and customer service, all while upholding and progressing the Zylo brand. The mix of everything I do might be, as I’m finding, just the right blend of art and tech.