Five easy ways to optimize your landing page

Getting customers to your landing page is only half the battle. Once they click, guests need to be delivered to a landing page optimized to convert these new visitors, and then cultivate a lasting and positive relationship with your brand. The good news is that most top performing landing pages are strategically simple with a […]

Assure Success creates community for SaaS-based customer success in Indiana

If you’ve looked at our Job Board lately, you’ve likely noticed the increase of customer success roles in Indiana tech companies. You likely have customer success managers who represent your company, regardless of the position or title they might possess. Think about every software-as-a-service application you or your company purchased in the last few months. […]

Public-sector powerhouse Brite Systems is ready to make its mark on the commercial world

Even though his college degree is in mechanical engineering, Jay Fernando taught himself how to code with the help of a few friends and, in 1999, he landed a software engineering job 8,000 miles away in Central Indiana. He married Leena Victoria (an electrical engineer and computer programmer by trade), and she, too, found success […]