Growing tech companies owned and led by women

One of the best ways to learn about how to build a tech company is to try and build one yourself. I tried that in 2012. I was looking for people who shared my values, interests and curiosities. I thought it would be fun to build a platform that would serendipitously introduce you to interesting […]

Encamp gains talent, venture capital and incentives deal with state

Encamp co-founders Luke and Sam Jacobs are proud that they were able to lure their big brother Ben Jacobs back to Indiana to lead software engineering at the fast-growing startup that the pair founded with CTO Daniel Smedema. Ben, who was a senior software engineer at Netflix in California, is a major talent β€œget” for […]

Meet Kelly Wilson, Director of Marketing and PR at SEP

Katie found her first job in tech through networking, and 11 years later, she's still enjoying life at SEP. Read about her journey and hear her tips for new grads on how to be a great marketer in tech.