SEP plays the long game helmed by new CEO Raman Ohri

The president of Carmel-based SEP,, Raman Ohri, has now taken up the mantle of CEO, leaning further into SEP’s business functions.

‘Fast Friday’ could mean investment dollars for entrepreneurs

TechPoint’s Mira Awards represent the best of tech in Indiana, but they are more than beautiful glass awards and the pomp and circumstance of the gala ceremony. The awards program offers winners a spot among elite performers in the state, valuable exposure, and access to the Indiana Tech Companies List and events like the Winners […]

How to stay ahead of the digital criminals, avoid a data breach

The Internet has changed the world in so many ways for the better. We can’t ignore, however, that companies around the world spent $67 billion on security measures last year and that the annual global cost of digital crime is estimated to be $445 billion, according to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). […]