Mayor Hogsett takes the Indy Scale-up Tour

If you work for a tech company in Indy, you likely know about the issues and which ones are most important to you. For those who don’t work in tech, it can be challenging to understand what some tech companies actually do, let alone what their biggest business needs and challenges are. That’s why on […]

Tech firms dominate Indiana’s ‘Companies to Watch’ awards

Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann yesterday announced that 27 companies have earned a place in Indiana’s seventh annual class of ‘Companies to Watch’ program. Eleven of these fast-growing companies — that's 40.7 percent of the award winners — are tech firms specializing in software development, mobile apps, cloud computing, digital learning, health information technology, digital security, […]

How to get and maximize state incentives to help fund your start-up

Tax credits, training grants, and other state economic development incentives are usually in the news when they are going to the big guys — large employers who are bringing hundreds of new jobs and investing millions of dollars in the community. What you might not know is that many of those same incentives are available […]