Brad Bostic Hc1 The Rise and Future of Health-Tech

Brad Bostic | hc1: The Rise (and Future) of Health-Tech

We talk to Brad Bostic, founder and CEO of hc1. Founded in 2011, hc1 is a cloud-based software company transforming lab data into personalized healthcare insights. Brad has ventures ranging from multiple health-tech companies to a VC firm, and even a health-tech SPAC. A career entrepreneur, Brad shares his story and his motivation for focusing […]
Mission41K Update Report 2023 | TechPoint

Here’s what it takes to attract and retain the best engineers

During my career as an Engineering team leader, I have hired and managed nearly 50 highly-skilled, technical employees. By implementing a few key management strategies, I have been fortunate to have experienced a 95 percent retention rate. Today, technology plays a critical role in many functions within an organization, making software developers some of the […]