Jobs in Tech Report: Q2 2017 jobs announcements in Indiana technology companies

Since the beginning of the second quarter, Indiana received several national rankings for our tech growth and momentum. Inc Magazine calls us one of six best cities to start your business right now, MONEY says we’re one of the top 20 hottest cities for tech jobs, and Women’s Business Daily says Indy is one of […]

Meet Rachel Faulkner, Director of Public Relations at Genesys

Rachel gets to lead international public relations for Genesys from her hometown and current city of Indianapolis. Read about how she started working in tech after a career in a multitude of other industries.

TechPoint welcomes new hires, expands support of tech ecosystem

In total, TechPoint’s headcount grew from 12 to 17 in March 2019, and we are proud to welcome new people to our team.