ClusterTruck: The Tech Behind a $1 Trillion Industry

We talk to Chris Baggott, CEO and co-founder of ClusterTruck along with COO, Brian Howenstein. ClusterTruck is disrupting the growing food delivery industry by putting the wellbeing of their drivers first. An early pioneer in ghost kitchens, ClusterTruck is positioned as a leader in the projected $1 trillion industry. In this episode, we discussed the […]

Q3 2023 Indiana Tech Venture Report: Glimmers of optimism in Indiana as the national Q3 venture market continues its correction 

Dubbed the “Great Correction” by Joanna Glasner of Crunchbase, the nation’s Q3 2023 venture market remains in a challenging position, and activity in Indiana reflects the struggle. But there was encouragement in the quarterly assessment that showed the number of Hoosier deals dropped, but the amount invested nearly doubled. Deals were spread among a diverse […]

CEO Perspective: Defining tech’s many facets

When is a company considered a tech company? That’s a question we at TechPoint are frequently asked as more companies are innovating from within, creating tech products, and relying on technology to build and sustain their business. Our President and CEO Mike Langellier wrote a perspective for the Indianapolis Business Journal to answer the question […]