Kronos celebrates 40 years of innovation and service plus five years in Indianapolis

In a very short time, workforce software and solutions innovator Kronos Incorporated has grown from being the new guys in town to a thriving operation employing 250 Kronites in Indianapolis and counting. “We are, of course, a technology provider, but who we are as a company is much greater,” said Kristina Lengyel, Vice President – […]

The anatomy and evolution of a diverse Hoosier’s STEM career and community

I am a woman in STEM—a diverse woman working in STEM careers in Indiana since 2000. STEM is the professional world I know and love. I enjoyed a first career as a molecular biologist and clinical research scientist at Eli Lilly and Company doing work that I believe helped improve lives. I also appreciated the […]

Kronos and simplify human capital management analytics

Return on investment (ROI) used to apply solely to profit and loss of an activity or project. But in today’s digital age, ROI is often discussed amongst areas that used to be hard to measure. For example, can you effectively measure how your talented staff directly impacts business performance? Maybe you’ve been in one of these […]