PactSafe is transforming the way software-as-a-service companies use contracts

Let’s face it, business-to-business (B2B) contracts are a hassle. Despite their necessity, problems with contracts are the reason about one out of every 10 deals deals falls apart due to inefficiencies, legal reasons or other friction throughout the contracting process. And forget about analytics; accessing contract data is a manual process that makes getting a […]

Jeff Ton | Indiana CIO Network: Amplify Your Community

In this episode, we talk to Jeff Ton, founder and manager of the Indy CIO Network – now the Indiana CIO Network. The Indiana CIO Network is a community of over 200 Indiana based IT leaders that meet to discuss current tech trends and issues. Jeff talks about his four decade career in IT, why […]

SaaS Sales Careers: A Comprehensive Guide

What is SaaS Sales? Generally, sales (or selling) is the process of providing goods and services for money; SaaS sales is specifically the process of selling web-based software or software-as-a-service (SaaS).  Sales can apply to a variety of occupations, particularly within SaaS. Often companies will break up sales responsibilities into different positions based on the […]