The Importance of Mentorship and Passing your Torch

The start of a new year brings new goals and resolutions. For some, it might be taking more time for self-care and quality time with family. For others, it could include learning a new skill or growing in one’s leadership potential. Serving as a mentor may or may not already be on your list of […]

5 easy steps to become a unicorn and other highlights from Midwest UX design conference

As a first-timer to the Midwest UX design conference, I was blown away as I sat in my first session led by Jared Spool. His passionate presentation was an explanation of all of the skills a designer needs to master in order to go from a junior designer to the most elite, all-encompassing level of […]

myCOI loves what its customers loathe, and its fueling rapid growth

It’s possible that it’s just the nature of tech entrepreneurs to identify problems and come up with creative solutions. The Indianapolis tech community, however, seems to me to have more than it’s fair share of startups and scale-ups that have taken seemingly mundane and complex business functions, (one founder even called his company “boring”), and […]