TechPoint celebrates tech ‘rockstars’ who don’t often get the limelight

TechPoint recognized the Tech 25 Class of 2016 during a unique event at The Crane Bay in downtown Indianapolis on Aug. 5. The Tech 25 is a prestigious selection of twenty-five individuals who are critical and exceptional performers helping to grow our community’s tech and tech-enabled companies, but who — not being the CEO or other top […]

Q3 2023 Indiana Tech Venture Report: Glimmers of optimism in Indiana as the national Q3 venture market continues its correction 

Dubbed the “Great Correction” by Joanna Glasner of Crunchbase, the nation’s Q3 2023 venture market remains in a challenging position, and activity in Indiana reflects the struggle. But there was encouragement in the quarterly assessment that showed the number of Hoosier deals dropped, but the amount invested nearly doubled. Deals were spread among a diverse […]

Q2 2021 VC Report: Record Rebound!

To call the second quarter of 2021 a rebound for investments in Indiana’s tech ecosystem is an understatement: there has never been a bigger quarter (or even year) for tech investment in Indiana history. That claim is based on a review of TechPoint-collected information on publicly announced investments, which stretches back to 2014, as well […]