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Appirio’s Kalvin Jones empowers unserved communities and solves problems through coding

After living and working in Georgia and Kentucky, Kalvin Jones, a quadruple-certified Salesforce consultant and Butler University grad, chose to come back home to Indiana to make a difference. His first job back in Indianapolis was with Salesforce followed by a startup and a couple of consulting gigs. Just about a year ago, Kalvin landed […]
Military veterans are key to TechPoint’s Mission41K but you’re probably not recruiting them very well

Veterans are key to Indiana’s future tech workforce (and you should recruit them)

Most military veterans leave their tours of duty with skills and training that make them ideal candidates for civilian employment. But more than 15 percent of U.S. veterans are underemployed compared to job seekers without military experience.  Why? Because too few companies fully understand how to market employment opportunities to veterans, and too few veterans […]