More than ‘just video games’: Indiana universities invest in esports curriculums and careers paths

When Twitter launched and started gaining popularity, people scoffed at the “microblogging” site and said it would never last. Today, some politicians are demanding that Twitter be treated like a public utility because it is so entrenched in and vital to our public discourse. Similarly, esports had its detractors early on, but there is no […]

How Renaissance Electronic Services evolved from garage-based startup to tech pioneer

Silicon Valley may be the world’s tech capital, but Indianapolis continues to grow its tech presence every year, thanks to companies who have set up shop in Central Indiana and help evolve the state into a serious contender in the tech ecosystem. Renaissance Electronic Services, a software company that provides solutions for the dental industry, […]

How Skills-Based Hiring will help Resolve Indiana’s Biggest Tech Talent Challenges

Indiana tech leaders have long struggled with how to attract, retain and grow needed talent. Shifting from outdated and biased hiring practices that exclude up to 95 percent of Hoosiers from employment consideration to a skills-based approach would be a major step toward resolving that challenge. Skills-based hiring, also called skills-first hiring, puts a premium […]