Two new Techstars accelerators bringing more startups to Indianapolis

As Techstars companies begin immersing themselves in Indy, the city will also be making a strong case for keeping these companies here, leveraging networks, entrepreneurs and a community eager to grow.

Haven home maintenance app is ready to disrupt half-trillion services market

Disruptive businesses can sound pretty crazy at first. I thought Jim Brown might have a screw loose when he first told me about Haven. It’sΒ a free mobile app and website that uses public data and predictive technology to help homeowners identify maintenance needs and then get that work done and pay for it at the […]

10 Things You Should Know about Millennials as Customers

Insights from the Interactive Intelligence Interactions Conference event — Meet Your New Customer: Panel Discussion with Millennial Aged Consumers  Now that half of all Millennials (born 1980-2000) have reached the magical 24-year-old consumer demographic, they are rapidly displacing Baby Boomers in buying power in probably every category except health care and retirement services. What this means […]