Mira Awards Nominees

TechPoint Resilience Award Nominees offer inspiration to budding entrepreneurs well beyond the tech sector

Succeeding in business – or launching one – can be a daunting task under the best of circumstances. Individuals who come from marginalized communities, scarce economic means or have experienced trauma, discrimination or health challenges face additional obstacles on their career journey.  The new TechPoint Resilience Award recognizes the relentless spirit of Hoosier tech ecosystem […]
Moe Simmons - TechPoint

How a random text message led to career satisfaction in the Indiana tech community

Last spring I received a text from a good friend from my undergraduate days at Butler University. Joe Perin, community content manager with TechPoint, told me about an open position and he wanted to know if I (or somebody I knew) would be interested in it. Joe and I have known each other for more […]

How Skills-Based Hiring will help Resolve Indiana’s Biggest Tech Talent Challenges

Indiana tech leaders have long struggled with how to attract, retain and grow needed talent. Shifting from outdated and biased hiring practices that exclude up to 95 percent of Hoosiers from employment consideration to a skills-based approach would be a major step toward resolving that challenge. Skills-based hiring, also called skills-first hiring, puts a premium […]